Future-focused mentoring for early career teachers in rural schools

In 2023, IFfM is extending its research into the rural and regional school context. Teaching in rural locations can be challenging for teachers, particularly those new to the profession. Not only are these teachers taking on the new and challenging responsibilities that all teachers face in the transition into the profession, but these beginning teachers are, in a number of cases, getting used to living and working in more regional locations. 


It would make sense that professional learning and mentoring are therefore of considerable importance at such a professionally vulnerable time, but research indicates that geographic isolation, inexperienced staff, lack of access to essential expertise, and limitations of financial cost and time may present as considerable barriers to the provision of these supports. 

This study aims to develop a realistic, sustainable, and manageable in-school mentoring program that can assist early career teachers to transition into their rural school locations and support mentors charged with the responsibility of supporting them. Using a case study approach in one rural school in NSW, a framework of mentoring will be developed that is intended to provide a way forward for future teacher mentoring in rural contexts that acknowledges and works with both opportunities and perceived barriers in these settings.   


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